Dr. Ilan Schnell
I have a Gmail account. My username is ilanschnell
Since 2008 I have been working in the software industry. I specialized in software distribution. In 2012, I joined Continuum Analytics, where I started creating the Anaconda distribution, which is now the most popular software distribution for Python data scientists. For my contributions to the company (now Anaconda) I was given the job title "Technical Fellow" in 2017.
I studied physics at the University of Bremen in Germany. These pages contain some of my scientific work, including my Ph.D. thesis which I finished writing in 2002.
This section includes small code samples I have written in different programming languages, which I hope will be useful to other people.
Photography has always been on of my hobbies. Here is a collection of some of my photos. In April of 2007 I went to visit Ireland.
A picture of myself
These pages show some of the fractal artwork I created. Some of this artwork was on display at an exhibition in Jemez Spings, NM in April and May of 2004.
Among other things you can find my amateur radio page in this section, as well as interesting links, including one link to other members of my family.